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Local Authorities & Referral Agencies
Landlord Services - Service Users & Tenants - Local Authorities & Referral Agencies

Oak Tree Care Services provides a wide range of housing solutions for young people, single adults and families.

In addition to providing accommodation, property management and housing related services, specialist support teams are also available to deal with any assessed support and care requirements, with a view to helping people make informed decisions, live more independently and sustain their accommodation needs.

In this section we aim to provide information about the services required, how to make a referral and how to contact us for more information:

The range of services includes;

Supported Housing for Young People Aged 16-24
Home Finders Scheme
Temporary Accommodation
Choice Based Lettings

An overview/summary of the services provided is supplied in each section but it is by no means exhaustive or limited to the information displayed.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the details on the Contact Us page.

Supported Housing

This service provides accommodation and support services for young people aged 16-24, including those leaving care, unaccompanied asylum seeking children and teenage parents. Following a comprehensive needs and risk assessment and the preparation of a support plan, the objective of the service is the progression of the young person to “move on” and live independently.

Our in-house link worker/out reach team focus on matters such as life skills, identifying and sourcing education/training, accessing health and benefits and are available 24 hours a day, including weekends. The support provided is principally in the following areas;

Description Service Provided
Identify current and planned/future accommodation requirements
Provide and maintain appropriate accommodation
Identify/provide support to stay healthy, safe, avoid eviction and maintain accommodation
Assess ability and timing for the service user to move into and sustain more independent living
Support & Care
Assess and ascertain support needs
Produce and maintain support plan
Involve the service user(s), key people and professionals to progress and review the plan
Identify and develop the (life) skills required to manage successfully in their own accommodation
Education/Training & Employment
Support to identify and access relevant education, training and employment
Assist to sustain training, education and employment and maximise the benefits derived
Financial Arrangements
Identify current income, ascertain additional income needs and eligibility for benefits
Assess and implement the support necessary to develop budget management skills
Assist to access benefits and other funds available to sustain their housing and living needs

For more information about any of our services and to check availability, please do not hesitate to contact us on; 020 8884 5050 or use our online contact and referral services.

Home Finders Scheme

This scheme provides longer term accommodation solutions for single adults and families. Support is provided to locate suitable accommodation, sustain their tenancy and to prevent them becoming homeless. The support provided is principally in the following areas;

Description Service Provided
Assess, identify & procure appropriate accommodation
Provide relevant furniture, fixtures and fittings
Monitor and maintain accommodation
Provide support needed to stay safe & avoid eviction
Provide support to sustain tenancy
24 hour Housing Management, 7 days a week
Maintain rent, utility and service charge accounts
Regular property checks and reports
Housing Related Support
Assess and ascertain housing needs
Provide all housing related support required
Housing management duty team and admin support
Assist to access and maintain benefits and other funds to sustain housing
Signpost to other support teams/partners, if required.

For more information about any of our services and to check availability, please do not hesitate to contact us on; 020 8884 5050 or use our online contact and referral services.

Temporary Accommodation

This scheme provides short term accommodation options for single people and families that are usually referred by a local authority and assessed as having an emergency, urgent and/or a temporary housing need. The necessary support, advice and guidance is provided to sustain their tenancy and prevent them becoming homeless once again, in the following areas;

Description Service Provided
Assess, identify & procure appropriate accommodation
Provide relevant furniture, fixtures and fittings
Provide Tenant Starter Pack
Monitor and maintain accommodation
Provide support needed to stay safe & avoid eviction
Provide support to sustain tenancy
24 hour Housing Management, 7 days a week
Maintain rent, utility and service charge accounts
Regular property checks and reports
Housing Related Support
Assess and ascertain housing needs
Support to stay safe and maintain hygiene standards
Provide all housing related support required
Housing management duty team and admin support
Assess and implement the support necessary to develop/maintain management skills
Help access and maintain benefits/other funds to sustain housing and living needs/requirements
Communicate with other support teams/partners

For more information about any of our services and to check availability, please do not hesitate to contact us on; 020 8884 5050 or use our online contact and referral services.

Choice Based Lettings

We are currently developing our choice based lettings services. When it is fully released, eligible people and families in need of housing will get more information and control and will be able to make informed choices at each step. Registered users will be able to bid for homes through a variety of channels, e.g. via the internet, automated phone and text etc.

Once it is launched and you have registered, you obtain your User ID and PIN and then you will be able to discover a range of information about properties available, see them on maps, check your bid position and review your bidding history.

The scheme aims to give applicants on our Housing Register more say in where they wish to live. We will widely advertise vacancies, including in the local newspapers and on this website.

Once launched, if you are interested in any of the vacancies, you will need to let us know by 'making a bid'. In order to make a bid you need to be registered on our Active Housing Register and you will need to know your User ID number and PIN. Your User ID and PIN will be provided by our Housing Assessment team.

For more information about any of our services and to check availability, please do not hesitate to contact us on; 020 8884 5050 or use our online contact and referral services.